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Now available, White Collar Boxing 2012, a beautifully printed commemorative book with over 30 pages and a DVD showing all the fights of the event in the H10 Andalucia Plaza. This was the 2nd year of the event, White Collar boxing and it was a great success. Members of MGM trained all summer, to fight against each other in the ring. The 8 fights and 16 fighters were split into two teams, RED V BLUE. The overall victors on the night was the Red Team.MGM WHITE COLLAR BOXING 2012 BOOK AND DVD NOW FOR SALE

The Event raised over €50,000 for the charity ASPANDEM. ASPANDEM is an Association for People with Disabilities on the Costa del Sol. The private foundation was started in 1980 by a group of parents. Today it is an organisation dedicated to the care and support of people with disabilities.

Get your copy of the Book and DVD, The book costs €30 and the DVD just €10.

If you would like more information about MGM or the DVD and Book, please let us know.



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