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Post 64 of 71

White Collar Boxing by MGM Marbella in H10 Andalucian Plaza Hotel


The second successful White Collar Event was hosted by MGM at the Andalucia Plaza Hotel on Friday 28th September. The evening was generously sponsored by Linekers bar and Tibu.

The weigh-in was held at the MGM official opening party the night before. All of the boxers were keen to show off their might and the fun event was attended by both Frank Warren and Frank Malone. MGM were also proud to host the Concejal of Marbella and the President of the charity, Aspandem.

MGM Marbella raised €50,000 for The Aspandem Charity with the White Collar Boxing NightMembers of MGM from all walks of life trained all summer to come up against each other in the ring; there were eight fights in total, RED against BLUE.

After some impressive boxing, the RED team won overall.

Following the boxing there was a charity auction hosted by Big Joe Egan, described by Mike Tyson as ¨The toughest white man on the plant¨.

For a second time the event was a great success, there was a brilliant atmosphere and a good time was had by all.

But most importantly the event raised €50,000 for the charity ASPANDEM!


This article was written by admin